PhD Course and Sessions Venue

The PhD course and all the parallel and plenary sessions (except for Thursday afternoon) will take place in the main building of the Faculty of Arts.

Charles University
Faculty of Arts
Nám. J. Palacha 1/2
116 38 Praha 1

Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy – Wikipedie

The lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday will be served next door, in the Turquoise Restaurant located at the Museum of Decorative Arts.

Široká 1
110 00 Praha 1

Až 1000 Kč na cokoliv ve středomořské restauraci |

Thursday Afternoon Venue

The plenary talk on Thursday afternoon will be held at the National Museum; afterwards, there will be a complimentary tour of the venue.

The meeting point will be at the National Museum’s new building (map):

Nová budova Národního muzea - Národní muzeum

The tour will include both the tower and the historical building:

Historická budova Národního muzea - Národní muzeum